
No Tabus — Portrait at SWR Kunscht!

MeToo, racism, body-shaming or diversity—topics that are also present at music universities, in opera houses and on concert stages in this country and all over the world, but which are usually not spoken about openly.

The young Stuttgart soprano Andrea Conangla tackles them: professionally and personally, courageously, convincingly and touchingly. Born in Spain, raised in Portugal, the 29-year-old artist has been living in Stuttgart since 2017 and is active with her voice in the field of classical as well as new music - and has also been a lecturer at the State University of Music Trossingen since 2020. Kunscht! Meet the versatile young woman.

Interview in German.

newspaper articles

Andrea Conangla with body and voice no "Feminism is not an aesthetic"

"Ever since I was a little girl I've been called a revolutionary or an activist," Andrea says, through the Zoom window in which her cat stubbornly appears. This "reality" began to take shape in Germany, where she learnt how to better articulate her political and social concerns with her artistic work. "Jennifer Walshe and Martin Schüttler gave me great impulses in this regard." At the time she was preparing her final project for her master's degree, Andrea decided to work about the body and her daily experience as a woman and singer, subscribing to the feminist thesis that the personal is not only political, but also creative matter. "Jenni [Jennifer Walshe] showed me Roxane Gay, who changed my life. The book Hunger is a raw testimony about the author's body, about how a 'hunger' to be safe translated into her size." On the other hand, "in Martin's [Professor of Composition and Political Music] classes, we discussed aesthetics and the most complex aspects of the music of Helmut Lachenmann or Luigi Nono with the same pleasure and seriousness with which we discussed the cultural impact of the Beatles, Beyoncé's Lemonade or the subversive music of Pussy Riot." ︎ Read more!

Text in Portuguese.

Quando m’en vo / When I go on Jornal Público

“"How are you, girl?", "Smile", "Someone is acknowledging that you are beautiful", "You should be more grateful!" The succession of comments falls on a projected video showing a woman walking down the street. In front of it, Andrea Conangla, a Portuguese opera singer living in Germany, performs Quando m'en vo from the opera La Bohème, while several women share their own experiences of harassment in the dress the artist wears.” ︎ Read more!

Text in Portuguese.

Stuttgarter Newspaper - Up close and personal when art is created

“Many artists take advantage of the freedom this format offers them. The opera singer Andrea Conangla, for example, began the first part with Puccini and ended with John Cage and women's testimonies on the metoo debate. In between, she idiosyncratically explored the Beatles' evergreen "Yesterday" under the title "British Invasion is not over". "That was written by our composition scholar Ui-Kyung Lee," says Milla. "Since 2012 we have had a scholarship for new forms of music, which is explicitly not limited to new music, but includes experimental pop music.” ︎ Read more!

Text in German.

InSzene:Vokal launches first funding round

“The new funding programme "InSzene: Vokal" of the Podium Gegenwart in the German Music Council has started: The sopranos Andrea Conangla and Viktoriia Vitrenko as well as the vocal ensembles Neue Kammer and Trio vis-à-vis have convinced the jury and will be included in the two-year funding programme” ︎ Read more!

Text in German.


Rimas e Batidas

Her voice, expanded through techniques that transcend the flesh, touches the unspeakable. [...] On stage, where time shatters and reconstructs, Andrea embodied beings from other times and places [...] crossing operas and sonic galaxies. [...] Andrea doesn't just sing; she creates sonic universes. Alongside visionary composers like Lachenmann and Azguime, she has made her voice an instrument of artistic intervention. ︎ Read more!

Text in Portuguese.

Schwäbisches Tagblatt

An astonishing vocal acrobat [...] grand and overwhelming, with remarkable vocal control, extreme heights, and a sensational range of possibilities. A voice that suddenly fills the space. ︎ Read more!

Text in German.

Berliner Zeitung

Just as their bodies master the steps and kicks, their voices leap across the octaves to ever more spectacular extremes [...] In the end, a very special, shrill and quirky liberation of sensuality.
︎ Read more!

Text in German.

Jornal Público

(...) masterfully performed by the interpreters, especially by the voices of Camila Mandillo and Andrea Conangla, whose vocal plasticity, associated with a crystalline timbre and extreme care in the delivery of the text, amazed us at several moments, despite a demanding score. ︎ Read more!

Text in Portuguese.

Pamina Klassik Maganize

However, the evening opened with two songs written a few years earlier based on texts by Goethe: "Hoffnung" (Hope) and "An den Mond" (To the Moon) describe the opposite poles of day and night, and Andrea Conangla's soft, silvery, slender soprano caught the listener's attention here (...) .

podcasts | interviews

Antena 2 RTP - Música de Invenção e Pesquisa

Autopsychografia on portuguese radio, by Miguel Azguime.

Programe in Portuguese.

Antena 2 RTP - Império dos Sentidos

Interview with journalist Paulo Alves Guerra for the programme Império dos Sentidos, announcing concert no fe·mi·ni·no.

Interview in Portuguese.

Kunststiftung Podcast

In the third episode of our Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg podcast, Jessica Steinle and Laura Breier interview the singer Andrea Conangla. In addition to an interview, she sings works by Saariaho, Cage, Aperghis, and one of Puccini's arias Quando m'en vo, among others.

Interview in German.

project documentation

no fe·mi·ni·no // andrea conangla

no fe·mi·ni·no is Andrea Conangla’s artistic reflection about the role of women in society, art and culture - a musical travel through more than two centuries, where classical music, conceptual music and pop culture intersect with activism, feminism, political music and mixed media.

22nd September 2023, O’culto da Ajuda, Lisbon.

“A Laugh to Cry” - Multimedia Opera by Miguel Azguime

Composed by Miguel Azguime, who also performs on stage, and directed by Paula Azguime, this multimedia opera is performed by a young cast of singers and the musicians of the Sond'Ar-te Electric Ensemble conducted by Maestro Pedro Neves. At Teatro Viriato, we watched this NEW OP-ERA project and nobody remained indifferent As part of the 16th International Spring Music Festival, on 20 April, 2023.

"Ich flüchte in Dein Zauberzelt"

Prof. Angelika Luz, dramaturgy and direction
Oliver Röckle, video

Scores from enigmatic signs— Deutsches Literaturarchiv

With eye and ear, hand and foot, and with the full range of their vocal art, Angelika Luz, alumni and students of the Stuttgart University of Music and Performing Arts (Rebekka Bigelmayr, Andrea Conangla, Karera Fujita, Cong Wei and Pascal Zurek) interpreted some of the exhibits of "punktpunktkommastrich. Sign Systems in the Literary Archive and other scores of enigmatic signs.